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Is It September Already?!

11 Sep 2013 10:15 AM | John Loving


September is already one third gone and I’m just handing in August’s Commodore’s Blog.  My dog ate my homework!

August kicked off with our Annual Lobster Feast again at Wally & Molly Stone’s home on Crab Creek.  A record number of eighty BackYakkers and guests made short work of the lobsters.  Eight boats were docked or rafted out in Crab Creek.  The always popular “Flip, Flop & Drop” breakfast greeted over forty members Sunday morning.  No omelets were injured in the making of this breakfast!

 Many thanks to Wally and Molly for again allowing us to enjoy a perfect weekend in their yard.  Also a huge “thank you” and “well done” to Jo Rys, John Oberright, Jae Hamilton and Tim Feldmann for all their planning and hard work that weekend.

 Mid August found twenty BackYakkers cruising over to Harris Creek to anchor in Waterhole Cove off the Choptank.  Twenty members came by dingy or car to Lowes Wharf Tiki Bar and Restaurant in Sherwood, MD.  We even got to witness a “Harley Davidson wedding”!  Thank you to Michelle and Richard Sanger for hosting this (the event, not the wedding!).

 Labor Day Weekend ended August and took us into September.  Over twenty boats and sixty BackYakkers cruised to Miles River Yacht Club in St Michaels to enjoy three days in the sun.  Jeannie and Terry Bidnick hosted a Kansas BBQ ala Eastern Shore Style on Saturday.  This was followed by very entertaining poetry reading.  Who knew the hidden talents of BackYakkers?!  And, who will forget Terry’s amazing recitation of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven”?

 After shuttle buses took many into St Michaels for the day, Madi and John Yates hosted an Eastern Shore Crab Feast on Sunday.  In spite of our best efforts, the crabs (or caterers) won out!  There were a few dozen crabs remaining at the end.

 At Saturday’s dinner, seven former Commodores of BCYC were presented with “Past Commodore” hats.  Wear them proudly!

 Upcoming Events

 Fall is just around the corner...

 On Wednesday, September 18th, Pat Bernhart will host the 5th and final Mid Week Event on the West River in Galesville.  Check out the web site for details.

 The next weekend begins Oktoberfest on Weems Creek (yes, Oktoberfest begins on Sept 21st in Germany!).  Karen and Bill Kranzer will be providing your bratwurst, etc. and, no doubt, German beer at the Pavilion on Weems Creek.

 Siehe die Website für weitere Details.

 The boating Season Finale will be held at Bob and Gail Higginbotham’s yard (marina?) on October 19th. This will perfectly bookend our boating season as the Season Kickoff was also held at Bob and Gail’s in early May.  My, how time flies!

 The Annapolis Boat Shows are coming up in October. Remember, this year the Sailboat Show will follow the Power Boat Show.

 One final note; at the Board of Governors’ meeting August 31st at Miles River Yacht Club, the Nominating Committee put forth the follow slate of officers for 2014.  This will be voted on (as noted) at the Annual Membership Meeting on November 3rd.

   - Commodore: Bill Kranzer
   - Vice Commodore: Bob Higginbotham
   - Rear Commodore: Jamie Ritter
   - Fleet Captain: Terry Bidnick
   - Secretary: Bonnie Hetzel
   - Treasurer: Mary Bowie

   - Board Members for a 1 year term:
        - Mary Ross (continues; no vote required)

        - Mark Cline (appointed to replace Shay Collins; requires vote)

   - Board Members for a 2 year term:

        - Colin Soucy (continues; no vote required)

        - Patti Bartlett(to replace Terry Bidnick; requires vote)

   - Board Members for a 3 year term:

        - Steve Cavin(vote required)

        - Westbrook Murphy (vote required)

As always, the minutes of the Board of Governors meeting are posted on the web site.

September is arguably the best boating weather on the Chesapeake.  Go out and enjoy our National Treasure!




Back Creek Yacht Club


John and Pam

“Compass Rose”


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