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Commodore's Happy New Year Wishes

01 Jan 2018 12:16 PM | Tom Bernhart

Commodore's Welcome News Letter

January 1 2018

As your new Commodore, I want to welcome everyone to the New Year, 2018 and bring you up to date on some of the Back Creek Yacht Club happenings.

Social Director, Pamula Budesheim, has a full schedule of Happy Hours and a Super Bowl Party scheduled in the coming weeks for the hardy souls who stayed “up North”. The South contingent is firmly entrenched in Florida, and judging by the weather up north we are staying here till spring!  Madi Yates has built a full schedule for those in the South with Happy Hours, a Super Bowl party and Bowling. The only difference between the two is that the North events are all indoors!

The Change of Watch will be on May 19th at the US Naval Academy Officer’s Club. This year the event will be a little bit more formal than in years past.  More information will be forthcoming.

I want to thank our outgoing Commodore, Terry Bidnick for his service.  I also want to extend  thanks to retiring Officers Treasurer Jeanie Bidnick, Secretary Mary Ross, and BOG Member E Don Smith for their service.

Chuck Kahle, our new Fleet Captain, is putting together numerous water events for 2018 including the Annual Cruise. We will be announcing the dates and locations shortly.

Safe travels to Wally and Molly Stone, Jamie Ritter and John Oberright and Jo Rys who will be driving to Florida this week; you guys left the North one month too late!

Happy New Year!

Colin Soucy on Lady Kadey in Stuart, Fl

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