Commodore's Spring News Letter
Welcome to spring! Spring has come to the Chesapeake, the water is finally starting to warm up and the “Southern Fleet Snowbirds” are arriving in the Chesapeake! In the last week, Free To B (Gene and Ginny Browning), Indy (John and Madi Yates), Lady Kadey (Colin and Chris Soucy), and Last Mistake (Bob Brown and Vicki Moon) have all completed their sea journey north from Stuart, Florida. Lali (Bill and Laurie Crosley) have taken a little side trip to the Bahamas but expect to arrive in the Chesapeake in a month or two!
May is shaping up to be a busy month for BCYC members with the Derby Party hosted by JJ and Julianna May 5th, the Change of Watch celebration (hosted by Gail Higginbotham and Patti Bartlett) May 19th, and the Memorial Day Weekend Get Together May 26th (hosted by Bob and Gail Higginbotham).
There will be a BOG Meeting May 27th following the 11:00 am Sunday Breakfast (hosted by Colin and Chris Soucy) under the tent in the Higginbotham’s back yard.
The Annual BCYC Cruise (June 2-9) is coming up fast! If you haven’t already, you need to make your slip reservations now if you plan to attend! The marinas are beginning to release slips that have not been reserved by BCYC members, back to the public this week.
Hope to see you all soon!
We sail on the tide!