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Commodores Fall Newsletter 2019

25 Sep 2019 12:16 PM | Marty Fischbach

We have really been busy this boating season! The July fireworks at Westbrook’s water estate was a loud success. Most of us were at ground zero and it got a little scary at times but we all toughed it out and got our full fireworks fix. Good times at Maryland Yacht Club, then on to “PIRATES WEEKEND” at Rock Hall. Enjoyed the late night boardwalk promenade; some very interesting costumes.  Court & Tim’s Crab Feast was outstanding; one of the best in recent years.

Tim put together another great cruise over Labor Day to wind up our extended cruises for 2019. The cruise started as hurricane Dorian hit the Florida coast. In spite of this, the Yakker’s buckled up and pressed on. Thankfully, Dorian decided to swing NE into the Atlantic and only brushed the east coast.   Just completed the “Food Fest” at Cattail Creek at Court & Laura’s waterfront estate. It was a true “Feast”. Shrimp as big as lobster tails and full half chicken portions. Most everyone went home with doggie bags.

 We have the members meeting in a few days. Please make a special effort to welcome and engage all members who have joined our ranks over the past two years. Tim has again put together another great cruise the “Goose Cruise”.  Can’t wait to try “Duckfat Popcorn”.

As we wind up the BCYC’s  2019 boating year, the powers to be are working feverishly to make the 2020 boating year even better. We have a full new slate of officers. The Flag officers have all committed to moving up in rank and our BOG is in full complement. Before we get depressed about the Yakker’s events winding down at year’s  end, remember that the powers to be are also in full swing putting together great events both north and south. They have a full set of events filling the gap into 2020 with a powerful event-packed January 2020. Enjoy!!

Ben Wilson,  Commodore BCYC

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