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Chili Cook Off

On February 18, 2024, Tim Feldmann hosted the 3rd Annual BCYC Chili Cook Off at St Martin's in the Field. The competition was intense and tasty! Don Knab won the coveted Chefs Hat award.
(Photos by Carlos Mojica)

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We currently have many new members. Please visit the New Members Page to view their information and offer our newest members a warm BCYC welcome when you see them at an upcoming event! New Members

BCYC Logo Apparel
BCYC has all types of logo apparel available from Lands End. Please follow this link to see the selection Lands End



BCYC South Mardi Gras Party

February 3, 2024 Pam & John Loving, Jamie Ritter & John Yanick hosted the BCYC Mardi Gras Celebration. The home-made Cajun Food, Hurricanes, and King Cake were absolutely delicious!!! Outgoing Commodore John Yates was presented with the much-coveted Past Commodore hat. A rousing game of Left, Right, Center capped off the evening with a valuable prize of the quarter collection!
(Photos by John Loving, Gail & Bob Higginbotham)

BCYC South Stringers Happy Hour

January 25, 2024 BCYC South Happy Hour at Stringers in Stuart FL. Oyster Trivia presented by Lynn Duggan and Gail Higginbotham with valuable prizes! Yummy oysters!!!
(Photos by Bob Higginbotham)

BCYC South Sneaki Teaki Happy Hour

January 11, 2024 BCYC South Happy Hour and 50th Anniversary Celebration for Richard & Michelle Sanger at the Sneaki Teaki in Stuart FL. Hosted by Ginny Browning and Eileen Smith.
(Photos by Eileen Smith)

Where in the World

January 3, 2024 BCYC Formadores braved "frigid" temperatures and biting winds to kick off the New Year on Sailfish Sands golf course in Stuart FL! (L to R) Colin Soucy 2018, John Loving 2013, Bill Falk 2011, Bob Higginbotham 2015, Bill Kranzer 2014.
(Photo by Homer - local golf bud)

Holiday Brunch

On December 17th, BCYC got together to celebrate the holiday season with a scrumptious brunch at Carrol’s Creek Cafe in Annapolis. The succulent food was complemented with fun activities that brought the members together and created special moments. Everyone enjoyed the music trivia game in which both knowledge and luck played an important role. The traditional Secret Santa game got everyone engaged in the game and brought many laughs, as people schemed to steal from each other - especially a bottle of Bourbon! It was all good fun and laughter, accompanied by amazing food and great service from the staff at Carrol’s Creek Cafe.

(Photos by Myrna Medina)

Goose Cruise

On October 7th, BCYC cruised to Herrington Harbour South to enjoy the beginning of Fall. The sail down was a ride with Northwest winds of 15-20 kts. Fleet Captain Tim Nelson hosted a football gathering at the Ketch 22 Outdoor Bar. Though the TV was not cooperating for college football, we all won fabulous prizes from Football Scratch-offs and Football Bingo. The group then adjourned to the restaurant for dinner. On Sunday we cruised to the Rhode River, again a blustery sail with strong winds out of the Northwest. Bossa Nova, Friendship and Magic Bus rafted up to Tony and Marsha's Wapiketa, and we all gatherd inside for a potluck spread of Tacos. The fixins and comraderie were over the top!!!

(Photos by Myrna Medina, Tim Nelson, and Bob Higginbotham)

BCYC Annual Meeting and Silent Auction

BCYC's Annual Meeting and Silent Auction were held on October 1st at the Yellowfin Steak and Seafood House. Rosie Cavin and Viola McAvey hosted the event with Jerry Chappell, as our Emcee. Outgoing Commodore John Yates and fellow Bridge Officers presented a review of our year, followed by a unanimous vote of our incoming Officers and Governors for 2024. John presented the Annual Gypsy Joe Spirit Award to Eileen Smith for her tireless efforts in making our last three Silent Auctions a huge success! Our greatful thanks to all of you who generously contributed items for our auction and those that bid on items and made cash contributions. Your efforts make a significant difference to the operation of our club. The proceeds from our Silent Auction help us improve the quality and quantity of our events and lower the costs of putting on those events.
(Photos by Viola McAvey)

Where in the World

As the 2023 Boating Season draws to a close, we wonder where some of our members have gone? Jae & Tim at Lands End UK, Jae at Sailing Yacht club - St Michael's Mount UK, Juliana & JJ Haines AK, Gail at Kingston Ontario, Happy Birthday to Pam w/ John in Paros Greece, Gail/Bob/Madi/John/Homer/Sheila/Gene/Ginny/Jo & John in Maine
(Photos by Tim Feldmann, Bob Higginbotham,  JJ Sullivan,  John Loving, Jo Rys)

Labor Day Cruise

BCYC cruised to Lankford Bay Marina to enjoy a fabulous Labor Day Weekend. Saturday was the return of our Annual Crab Feast hosted by Tim Feldmann and Jae Hamilton - Once again the crabs did not disappoint - Big and Full!!! Sunday, Terry & Peggy Slattery set up two sessions to teach us how to make some stunning Turks Head bracelets. On Sunday afternoon, Maureen and Karl Grizio hosted a first Burgers, Brats & Brew Basket event. There were many fine brews to sample and two lucky Raffle Winners sailed off with quite a quantity of beer!
(Photos by Kris Chappell, Tim Feldmann, Gail Higginbotham, Bob Higginbotham, Maureen Grizio, John Yates, and Madi Yates)

2023 Pig Roast

On August 26th hosts Lynn Egan and Justin Tindale pulled out all of the stops for the return of their Pig Roast. In addition to fantastic food, we were treated to live music by Spellbound.
(Photos by Tim Feldmann, Bob Higginbotham, and John Yates)

2023 Oxford Log Canoe Races

On August 11th, Bak-yakers cruised to Safe Harbor Oxford for the Annual Log Canoe races. Jo Rys and John Oberright hosted a Happy Hour on Friday evening followed by dinner Capsize. On Saturday, mebers and their guests enjoyed the races and dinner at the Tred Avon Yacht CLub, hosted by Madi and John Yates.
(Photos by Tim Feldmann, Tim Nelson, and Jamie Ritter)

Treuth Mid-Summer Event

On July 22nd hosts Court & Laura Treuth held a Mid-Summer Feast at the Haven Harbour North Marina Pavilion. The menu included Beef Tenderloin Tornadoes and Jumbo Lump Crab Towers - Yum and decadent!!! Earlier in the afternoon, Terry Slattery organized a Turks Head bracelet making session. The results were beautiful! A re-do is planned during our Labor Day cruise, so make your marina reservations now!
(Photos by John Yates, Madi Yates and Terry Slattery)

Ice Cream Social

On July 20th Peggy & Terry Slattery hosted their 2nd Annual Ice Cream Social. 25 members and guests were in attendance for a real treat that included home made ice cream and home made desserts. Myrna Medina led a water aerobics class during the event. Afterwards, the water was smoking!
(Photos by Myrna Medina and Bob Higginbotham)

July 4th Cruise

For the 4th, Tim & Laura Nelson organized a cruise to Baltimore's Anchorage Marina for the fireworks. Dinner was at Barcocina in Fells Point, followed by a wonderful evening at the water's edge for the fireworks.
(Photos by Tim Nelson and John Yates)

2023 Lobster Feast

BCYC's Annual Lobster feast was once again hosted on June 17th by Sherry & Norm Render at Molly's on Crab Creek. 47 members and guests attended this signature event.
(Photos by Tim Nelson, Myrna Medina and Rosie Cavin)

Annual Summer Cruise

BCYC's Annual Cruise included stops at Baltimore Yacht Club, Osprey Marina, Chesapeake Yacht Club and a two day raft-up in Eagle Cove on the Magothy. Many thanks to the volunteer hosts that organized the meals and Happy Hours along the way!!!

Individual photos can be viewed here: Photos 2023

Check out a video compilation of the cruise on our Facebook Page here: BCYC Facebook Link
(Photos by multiple club members)

A Taste of the Club/Season Opener

On May 20th, Pat and John Paris hosted the Season Opener at their beautiful home on South River. The event featured appetizers, sides, and desserts from the NEW BCYC Cookbook, "Bak-Yakker's Yummies"!  And yes, everything was Yummy! To wet our appetites, the Paris' organized a challenging wine tasting that featured 6 fabulous wines. Winners for guessing 4 of the 6 wines were Pat Bernhart and Jae Hamilton!
(Photos by Jae Hamilton, Madi Yates, & Tim Feldmann)

2023 Commodore's Ball

On May 12th, BCYC celebrated the 2023 Commodore's Ball with a festive evening of fine dining and dancing at the Chartwell Country Club. Emcee Chuck Kahle orchestrated the evening, honoring our 2023 Commodore and Flag Officers; Commodore John Yates, Vice Commodore Norm Render, Rear Commodore Larry Awalt, Fleet Captain Tim Nelson, Secretary Carlos Mojica, and Treasurer Court Treuth. Outgoing Commodore Tim Feldmann was presented with his "highly coveted" Official Past Commodore flag. The second edition of BCYC's Cookbook was unveiled. Mike Kalas was presented with a complimentary copy for winning the naming of our cookbook. We also learned that our DJ, Rich Litchy, was present at the original naming discussions for our club when formed in 2001. The evening was hosted by Kris and Jerry Chappell, Rosie Cavin, & Gail Higginbotham. The venue, food, drinks, and wine were absolutely over the top! Many thanks to the Chappells for securing the venue for us!
(Photos by Rosie Cavin)

BCYC South Dinner and Music

On April 7th, BCYC South celebrated the end of the DownSouth Season at the Red Grill, hosted by Jackie and Howard Mason. The event featured real Mexican street tacos, and live music.
(Photos by John Loving)

BCYC South Annual Formadore Golf Outing

On March 28th, Chris & Colin Soucy hosted the Annual BCYC Formadore golf tournament at Sailfish Sands in Stuart FL. Three foursomes of Formadores, their Commodorables, stacked with additional BCYC golf pros competed. John Yannick kept the golfers hydated with his roving drink cart. The group adjourned to the Fish Clubhouse/Restaurant following the game. And of course, there were valuable prizes presented by Chris Soucy. Webmaster/photo bomber Bob Higginbotham infiltrated the award presentations.
(Photos by John Loving)

BCYC South Super Bowl Party

On February 12th, Chris & Colin Soucy hosted the Annual BCYC South Super Bowl Party. The Soucy's decorated their home with separate Red and Green viewing rooms. Commodore Yates welcomed our first new members for 2023, Lynn and Jim Duggan. The dishes everyone brought were outrageously wonderful and the game was pretty good as well!
(Photos by Bob Higginbotham)

BCYC South Day at the Park

On January 26th, Gail and Bob Higginbotham hosted 30 BCYC members and guests at Halpatiokee Park in Martin Co. FL. A rematch of the BCYC World Cup Boccee ball was staged followed by grilled salmon and jerk chicken. Special shout out to grill Meister Gene Browning. The member provided appetizers and desserts, along witht the grilled mains were all over the top!!!
(Photos by Gail & Bob Higginbotham, John Loving, and Michele Sanger)

BCYC South 2023 Kickoff Happy Hour

On January 12th, Ginny and Gene Browning hosted the BCYC 2023 Kickoff with a Happy Hour at Mulligan's Beach House in Stuart FL. Nineteen members and guests enjoyed the evening and a few unique hors d'oeuvres including mussels with a baked bread topping for dipping - yum!
(Photos by Bob Higginbotham)

Visit to Quartzsite Yacht Club - Long Time No Sea

On January 4th, long-time Bakyakers Julianna Nedd and JJ Sullivan visited Arizona's Quartzsite Yacht Club. As JJ said, they "were looking for a gas station and a place to eat and there it was! It’s a hilarious place. Costs $10 to be a member and they now have 11,600 yacht club members! Cool desert yacht club. Didn’t even have to whip out my BCYC membership card!! Need to go find out if they can make a proper dark n’ stormy!"
(Photos by JJ Sullivan)

For more pictures go to
BCYC Past Events Photos & Multimedia

©2025 Back Creek Yacht Club

P.O. Box 3029

Annapolis, Md 21403


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