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"It's all about the people"


Greetings from BCYC "South"

05 Jan 2015 12:42 PM | Tom Bernhart

Greetings from BCYC "South"

13 Feb 2014 12:29 PM | Bill Kranzer

February finds many of your fellow bakyakkers escaping the Polar Vortex.  Sixteen members gathered yesterday at our rental condo in Stuart, Florida.  Others are elsewhere in the Sunshine State.   Linda Gabriel is recovering from her recent surgery here, and after a brief stay in a rehab center will convalesce a few months here on the Treasure Coast.

I wish to thank all who attended the Ball in January. Your participation and generosity (silent auction) made for a memorable evening.  Kudos to Rosie for making it happen!

Your commodorable and I will miss the basketball game this weekend. GO NAVY!

Please renew your memberships and sign-up early for events. Your hosts rely on your cooperation.

I'll be back in Annapolis in mid-March.    'Till then ............ UP THE CREEK!

Bill Kranzer


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